Cocktail Floats with Pampered Chef
An easy and fun cocktail float that combines your favorite summer treats- watermelon and ice cream!

Errrhhhmerrrgerrrrddd hello friends!! Super excited to finally share this post with you all. It was my first outdoor shoot & if you ask me, I think it went fantastic!
Today we’ll be talking all about how to make cocktail floats by making your own cocktails & homemade ice cream with Pampered Chef! Really though, they have so many great kitchen products to chose from, one of my favorites is the bright green Coated Utility Knife & the Bar Board.
The knife is sooo lightweight & super-sharp & the Bar Board is so cute & small. I LOVE the nonslip edges & they’re both dishwasher safe. Win-win-winnnnn *high-five emoji*!

Homemade Ice Cream
Homemade ice cream is the easiest dessert to make; the only hard part is having the patience for it to freeze. Most ice creams are made of a similar base. No-churn ice creams are usually made with sweetened condensed milk, whipped heavy cream & any added flavors.
Churned ice cream is typically made with granulated sugar, heavy cream, milk & flavoring. It also requires an Ice Cream Maker, which I just got from Pampered Chef & I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! I love how the flavor & texture changes from churning it. I love how quick it was to use (like 20 minutes) & I love the size that it comes in. It doesn’t take up too much real estate in my freezer like I expected. It’s also SOOOO EASY to use & clean! Plus, they also have this super cool Ice Cream Scooper that has scalloped edges to help get the ice cream off the bottom!

How to make cocktail floats
Okkkkk where do I begin with this! There’s really no rules to this, you just make it to your own taste. If you’re totally clueless then just follow the recipe directly but you can absolutely add, subtract or substitute just about anything. I always associate lemons with spring & summer so when I thought about doing a cocktail float the first thing that came to mind was a lemon drop float! But then I had a huge watermelon hanging out in my fridge & I figured the pink color would look super cute so that’s where my watermelon lemon float idea came from.
You can totally make this with just wine, champagne or sparkly juice if you want but I find it super fun to play with different flavors. If you use a pre-made drink you don’t need a shaker but when making a cocktail, I recommend you do. I got this Premium Cocktail Set from Pampered Chef & I love that it all comes as a matching set with all the pieces you need. It’s easy on the eyes, easy to clean & super functional. I also just love that it comes with a base card for different drinks!

So I hope you guys enjoy this recipe, for summer cocktail floats, it really is amazing! & like I said, you can absolutely substitute anything in the cocktail part. Make it a virgin, make it stronger, sweeter, more sour, whatever your preference is, just remember that you’ll be adding ice cream to make it cocktail floats so don’t make it too sweet! If you make this, make sure to tag me @baranbakery & Pampered Chef @pamperedchef on Instagram, we’d love to see your creations! As always,
Love, B

This post has been sponsored by Pampered Chef. All thoughts and opinions are my own.