Fraisier cake is a French strawberry cake with genoise sponge layers, simple syrup, crème mousseline and strawberries along the sides.

eggs granulated sugar fine sea salt cornstarch whole milk heavy cream salted butter vanilla bean paste


pastry cream

simple syrup

granulated sugar water vanilla bean paste

eggs granulated sugar unsalted butter AP flour fine sea salt


genoise sponge

Crème Mousseline

unsalted butter Pastry Cream strawberries

STEP 1: For the pastry cream, heat milk and cream on the stove and whisk together eggs, sugar and cornstarch.

STEP 2: Temper eggs with hot milk, return to pot, cook and whisk until mixture thickens. Remove and stir in butter. Cover and refrigerate.

STEP 3: For the simple syrup, heat water and sugar until all the sugar is dissolved. Remove and refrigerate.

STEP 4: For the genoise, beat eggs with sugar. Fold in half of flour, melted butter and the second half of the flour. Bake at 350F for 25 minutes.

STEP 5: For the crème mousseline, beat butter at full speed, add in chilled pastry cream in 4-5 batches, then fold the cream with a rubber spatula.

STEP 6: Slice cooled genoise sponge in half and place a cake ring mold around the bottom layer. Insert and wrap acetate between genoise and ring.

STEP 7: Brush genoise with 2 oz of simple syrup and pipe a thin ring of the Crème Mousseline around the edge of the cake.

STEP 8: Line strawberry halves around the whole edge, facing outwards. Fill in any gaps between strawberries with cream.

STEP 9: Pipe a layer of cream on the inside. Fill with more strawberries and cream. Spread a layer of cream on top to make it flat.

STEP 10: Top with second layer of genoise, brush with 2 oz simple syrup, make cream poofs on top & decorate with strawberries, gold foil, and gold dust.

Click the link below for the full recipe!